Jewish-Amazonian Journeys

Jewish Migrations in Northern Brazil
Talks | Films| Books| Music| Gastronomy

August 24 to 27
at the Museu Judaico de São Paulo

As the result of a history that sews together the salty waters of the Atlantic and the multiple rivers that cut through the Amazon rainforest, the Jewish community has been present in the region for more than two centuries, establishing a network of transmissions and cultural traditions. Coming especially from the coast of Morocco, but also from places like Cape Verde and the Azores, this migration wave peaked during the rubber cycle (1880-1910), but its echoes unfold in the present through cultural, gastronomic, and linguistic practices.

Jewish-Amazonian Journeys: Jewish Migrations in Northern Brazil is an action that integrates the project Judeus na Amazônia [Jews in the Amazon] , an initiative developed by the Museu Judaico de São Paulo since 2022. Based on research led by anthropologist and journalist Fábio Zuker, which included a trip of almost two months through the region, the project now lands in the MUJ space for an intense four-day program in which the public will be able to get in touch with the various layers of the Jewish presence in the Amazon through conversations, film screenings, musical performances, and cooking activities.

For these Jewish-Amazonian Journeys, participants from various regions of Brazil were invited to study different aspects of Jewish immigration and its developments to the present day. We invite everyone to dive with us into these stories that cross geographies and temporalities.


August 24


The collection of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo tells several stories of Jewish migrations to Brazil. During this visit, the public will get to know some of the items and documents from the Jewish communities in the north of the country.

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6:30pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Opening Ceremony

7pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Opening Lecture: The Caboclo Jew

Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro

In this presentation, Professor Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro seeks to reconstitute the profile of the communities descended from Jews living in the Amazon since the first decades of the 19th century, focusing on the Moroccans who chose to live in Manaus and Belém, their daily lives, and Jewish practices maintained with the host communities.

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Historian, novelist, and senior lecturer at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages, and Human Sciences of Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Since 2006, she coordinates LEER – Laboratory for Studies on Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination, where she develops the project “Travessias – A Brazilian Historical-Biographical Dictionary: the legacy of artists, intellectuals, and scientists refugees from Nazism. Brazil, 1933-2023.” She is the author of Impressos Subversivos: Arte, Cultura e Política. Brasil, 1924-1964 (Intermeios), Cidadão do Mundo: o Brasil diante do Holocausto e dos refugiados do nazifascismo, Brasil 1933-1948 (Perspectiva), among others.

8:30pm – Reception hall, ground floor
Social gathering

August 25

11am – 3rd basement floor
Guided Tour: The Jewish-Amazonian presence in the MUJ collection

The collection of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo tells several stories of Jewish migrations to Brazil. During this visit, the public will get to know some of the items and documents from the Jewish communities in the north of the country.

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3pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 1: Stories of Jewish Immigration in the Amazon

Anne Benchimol and Márcio Souza

Mediation: Ilana Feldman  

In this first meeting, the historian Anne Benchimol and the writer Márcio Souza go through different perspectives of the history of Jewish immigration in the Amazon region and its developments to the present day.

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Graduated in Language and Literature from the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), she is a collaborator of the Israeli Committee of Amazonas, acting in several of its boards. In 2012 she was president of the Jewish Community of Amazonas, of which she is now vice-president. Since 2006 she has dedicated herself to researching Judaism in the Amazon. Born and raised in Manaus, her great-grandparents arrived in Brazil around 1850 from Morocco.

Graduated in Social Sciences at the Universidade São Paulo (USP), he works as a journalist, writer, director, and screenwriter. Author of the tetralogy Crônicas do Grão Pará e Rio Negro, he was a visiting professor at the University of Berkeley, writer in residence at Stanford University and University of Texas at Austin. He is a member of the Academia Amazonense de Letras, with an extensive career in cultural management, having been president of the National Arts Foundation (Funarte) between 1995 and 2003, director of the Teatro Experimental do Sesc do Amazonas (Tesc), and president of the Culture Council of the city of of Manaus.

Professor, researcher, essayist, and independent curator, she works as an adjunct professor at Eco-UFRJ. Holder of two post-doctorate degrees, one in Audiovisual Media and Processes from ECA-USP and another one in Literary Theory from the Institute of Language Studies at UNICAMP. She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from USP, having also worked for it in the Department of Philosophy, Arts and Aesthetics at Université Paris 8.

5pm – Café, 1st basement floor
Cooking Workshop: Flavors of Morocco in the Amazon

Breno Lerner

The cook and researcher Breno Lerner teaches how to prepare a Dáfina, a recipe of Moroccan origin served in the homes of Jewish families in the Amazon, seeking to understand the circumstances of the creation and consumption of this tasty dish.

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Researcher, historian, and writer on the history of gastronomy with an emphasis on Jewish cuisine. For ten years, he has maintained the weekly TV show A Cozinha da Ídishe Mame and an intense production of content on gastronomy for social networks. He has written three books, including O Ganso Marisco e Outros Papos de Cozinha (Senac), winner of the Gourmand Cookbook Award in the category gastronomic literature.

7pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 2: The Jews of Marajó Island

Iria Chocron, Karine Sarraf and Sergio Simon

Mediation: Mariana Lorenzi

Authors of the book Os judeus da Ilha do Marajó, Iria Chocron, Karine Sarraf, and Sergio Simon revisit the history of the Moroccans who arrived in the region and their importance in preserving Jewish culture and traditions in the north of the country.

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Historian and researcher, she is the coordinator of the project “Sephardi Marajó” and “Jews of the Amazon,” with online content dedicated to studying and sharing the history of Jewish-Moroccan immigration in the Amazon region. She is coordinator and co-author of the book Histórias da beira do rio: os judeus da Ilha do Marajó, to be launched during the Jewish-Amazonian Journeys.

Born in Belém do Pará, daughter of Marajoara parents from Breves, she holds a degree in veterinary medicine, a postgraduate degree in agribusiness, and is an employee of the public company Emater-Pará, where she works in the department of rural extension focused on technical assistance for agroindustry and the processing of family farming products. Curious about the origin of her family name and collector of family stories, she decided to record the narratives she heard, but some contradictions motivated her to seek information in documents, notaries, and legal records.

Holder of a degree and PhD in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), and a fellowship in clinical oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is the author of several national and international publications. He is currently an oncologist at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and president of the deliberative council of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo.

Curatorial and Participation Coordinator at the Museu Judaico de São Paulo. She has a degree in Social Communication from FAAP (São Paulo) and a master’s degree in Political Arts from NYU (New York). She works as a curator, editor and cultural manager, having collaborated with institutions such as Casa do Povo, Pinacoteca, Sesc, among others.

8:30pm – Reception hall, ground floor
Launch of the book Os judeus da Ilha do Marajó

Autograph session in presence of the authors

August 26

11am – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 3: Cultural and Political Movements

Arieh Wagner, Ericky Nakanome and Elias Salgado

Mediation: Mariana Lorenzi

The panel discusses the Jewish influence in political and cultural manifestations of the Amazon region, from the ox celebration at the Parintins Festival to the artists known as abridores de letras, responsible for the paintings adorning the typical boats of Pará, seeking to think about the complex and particular cultural amalgam of these territories.

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Wagner Bentes Lins (Arieh) is an anthropologist graduated from the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Holder of a Master’s degree in Hebrew Language from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), he was a visiting researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he developed his doctorate research The hand and the glove: Moroccan Jews in Israel and the Amazon, Similarities and Differences in the Construction of Ethnic Identities. As a visual artist, he works at the Infinitas Cores studio and has works in the collection of the Museu Nacional de Arte Naif and the Museu de Arte do Rio, as well as some panels on the interior walls of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo.

Professor of Visual Arts at the Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM), he works in the department of Theory and History of Art with a focus on popular culture and local festivals in the Amazon region, mainly the Boi Bumbá in Parintins and its most varied representations. Holder of a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) and PhD candidate in Visual Arts at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), he is part of the research groups “VIA – Amazonian Visualities” and “Style and Visual Arts in the Amazon.” He is the current president of the arts council of the Boi Caprichoso in Parintins.

Co-founder of the Jewish Amazon project, he is director of the Center for Jewish Studies in Amazonia, the International Congress of Sephardic Studies, and the Talu Cultural publishing house. He is an associate researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Jewish Studies at IFCS/UFRJ, a representative of the research council of the Center for Research and Archives on the Judaism of Northern Morocco, and coordinator of several research projects. He is the author of História e Memória: judeus e industrialização do Amazonas (Amazônia Judaica) and four books of chronicles, including Dividido sim, mas só em parte (Talu Cultural, 2023).

Curatorial and Participation Coordinator at the Museu Judaico de São Paulo. She has a degree in Social Communication from FAAP (São Paulo) and a master’s degree in Political Arts from NYU (New York). She works as a curator, editor and cultural manager, having collaborated with institutions such as Casa do Povo, Pinacoteca, Sesc, among others.

3pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 4: The Rubber Cycle, Violence, and the Place of Aviamento* (*victuals supply for rubber tappers)

Márcia Mura and Renato Athias

Mediation: Fábio Zuker

With the participation of anthropologist Renato Athias along with professor and researcher Márcia Mura, the panel takes a critical look at the role of immigrants in the rubber cycle, seeking to think about the perpetuation of violence against indigenous and more vulnerable populations in the region.

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From Paranã Madeira, ancestral Mura territory, she is a storyteller, indigenous, writer, holder of a PhD in Social History from USP, and artivist. She is a public school teacher in the state of Rondônia, coordinator of the Mura collective of Porto Velho, and coordinator of the articulation of Indigenous Mura Women of Amazonas and Rondônia. She is the author of the books O Espaço Lembrado – Experiências de vida em seringais da Amazônia (2016) and Tecendo Memórias Mura e de outros parentes (2022), in addition to several articles in literary and academic publications. She is part of Wayrakuna, the first research group composed of indigenous women at CNPq.

Anthropologist, he is one of the creators of the Museology course at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), where he has been a professor in the Anthropology Grad School Program since 1999. His academic research focuses on themes such as: indigenous ethnology, shamanism, traditional healing practices, development anthropology, political anthropology, and visual anthropology. His academic production ranges from articles and books to exhibitions on the indigenous populations of the North and Northeast of Brazil.

Multimedia journalist, anthropologist, and essayist. Currently a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University, he is the author of the books The Life and Death of a Minke Whale in the Amazon: Dispatches from the Brazilian Rainforest

Vida e morte de uma whaleia minke no rio Tapajós e outras histórias da Amazônia (Milkweed Editions, 2022 – originally published in Portuguese in 2019 by Publication StudioSP) and Em rota de fuga: ensaios sobre escrita, medo e violência (Hedra, 2020).

5pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Film Screenings
Curupira and the Machine of the Destiny (Brazil, 2021), by Janaína Wagner (25 min)

Filmed in locations such as the BR-230 Trans-Amazon Highway, the BR-319 Ghost Road, and the district of Realidade [Reality], in Amazonas, the film documents the encounter between the folk figure of curupira and the incarnate ghost of Iracema, a fictional character from the film Iracema – Uma Transa Amazônica.

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Iracema – Uma Transa Amazônica (Brazil, 1974), by Jorge Bodanzky and Orlando Senna (90 min)

In contrast to the official propaganda of the military dictatorship that boasted of an expanding country linked to the construction of the Trans-Amazon Highway, a sensitive camera reveals the problems that the road would bring to the region: deforestation, fires, slave labor, child prostitution.

After the screening, a conversation with the presence of directors Janaína Wagner e Jorge Bodanzky

Mediation: Ilana Feldman

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Researcher in video, drawing, photography, and installations. She is a PhD candidate at Le Fresnoy-Studio National des Arts Contemporains, in France. Throughout her career, she has participated in artistic residencies and exhibitions in Brazilian and international institutions, including the solo show With Burning Love at Villa Belleville (France), and the group show Ensaio de Tração at Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo. She is currently developing her first feature film, the experimental documentary A Mala da Noite.

Graduated in cinema from the Ulm School of Design in Germany, he started his career as a photographer. In the 1970s, after Iracema – Uma Transa Amazônica, he began working as a director. Since then, he has directed the HBO series Transamazonica: A Highway to the Past (2021) and the film Amazon, The New Minamata? (2022), among others. He currently keeps a video column in Zum magazine (IMS) and in Amazônia Latitude magazine, from Florida State University.

Professor, researcher, essayist, and independent curator, she works as an adjunct professor at Eco-UFRJ. Holder of two post-doctorate degrees, one in Audiovisual Media and Processes from ECA-USP and another one in Literary Theory from the Institute of Language Studies at UNICAMP. She holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from USP, having also worked for it in the Department of Philosophy, Arts and Aesthetics at Université Paris 8.

August 27

11am – Synagogue, ground floor
Music: Jewish-Moroccan Liturgical Songs

Isaac Dahan

The last day of the Jewish-Amazon Journeys begins with a moment of meditation with the presentation of Jewish-Moroccan liturgical songs by chazzan Isaac Dahan.

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A gastroenterologist, he is a member of the Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology-AMB, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Medicine-AMB, and the Amazonian Society of Gastroenterology. He has worked for more than five decades as a chazzan/shaliah/tsibur, spiritual advisor, and representative in governmental, religious, and academic events with the greater community of Manaus. Born in Alenquer, Pará, during the period of a large flow of Jewish migration, he spent his youth in Belém, learning from Moroccan masters.

2pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 5: Literary Expressions

Alessandra Conde and Moacir Amâncio

Mediation: Gabriela Longman

Two literature experts take a look at fictional works produced in the Amazon region, with an emphasis on the Jewish presence and influence of these writings.

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Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Language and Literature of the Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), coordinator of the research project “Sephardic Echoes: Jews in the Amazon” and the Center for Sephardic Studies in the Amazon (NESA). Holder of a PhD in Letters and Linguistics from the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), she did a post-doctoral internship on Jewish writers in the Amazon, supervised by Prof. Dr. Lyslei Nascimento (UFMG).

Professor of Hebrew Literature at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), he is an author and poet. His first book, Do Objeto Útil (Iluminuras), won the 1993 Jabuti Prize in the Poetry category. Since then he has published a series of books, the first eight of them gathered in Ata (Record, 2007). He also produces texts with studies on fiction and poetry, in addition to having translated works by Israeli authors in poetry and prose, such as the poet Yehuda Amichai and the writer Amos Oz.

Journalist, editor, and curator, she holds a master’s degree in Cultural History from EHESS-Paris and a PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from FFLCH-USP. She has worked for Folha de S.Paulo and institutions such as the São Paulo Bienal, SP-Arte, Flip, among others. She is a co-founder of Guia Orbit.

4pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Panel 6: Judaism in the Amazon today

Felipe Goifman, Isaac Dahan and Rabino Moysés Elmescany

Mediation: Marilia Neustein

The guests seek to think about how Judaism is practiced and perceived in the Amazon today, reflecting on the construction of a Jewish-Amazonian identity and its place within a global understanding of Judaism.

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Photographer, writer, and editor. For more than thirty years, he has traveled the world producing articles for vehicles from different countries and is a collaborator to National Geographic magazine. Author of a series of books, including Hakitia – Amazônia Hebraica (FGR), he is currently producing the book Judeus do Sul, as well as and audiovisual documentaries about Brazilian Jewish communities.

A gastroenterologist, he is a member of the Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology-AMB, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Medicine-AMB, and the Amazonian Society of Gastroenterology. He has worked for more than five decades as a chazzan/shaliah/tsibur, spiritual advisor, and representative in governmental, religious, and academic events with the greater community of Manaus. Born in Alenquer, Pará, during the period of a large flow of Jewish migration, he spent his youth in Belém, learning from Moroccan masters.

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidade da Amazônia (UNAM), he works as a rabbi in his own synagogue, Beit Mescany, in Belém do Pará. He graduated as a rabbi from Yeshivá Midrash Sefaradi. He is a sofer (a term for a scribe who can transcribe religious writings such as Tefillin, Mezuzah, and Sefer Torah). He is also a chazzan (singer), baal korê (one who gives the public reading of the Torah), and a Hebrew teacher.

She was a reporter for the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo for 13 years, communications advisor for the Brazil-Israel Institute and for the writer Djamila Ribeiro. Nowadays she is the communications director of the Museu Judaico de São Paulo.

6:30pm – Synagogue, ground floor
Music: Closing Concert

Anne Jezini

Anne Jezini’s intimate concert brings together her own compositions, other established songs by composers from Amazonas, as well as family stories that reflect her experience as part of the third generation of Moroccan Jews who migrated to the Amazon.

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Born in Manaus, she graduated in biology but found in music her language of artistic expression. She studied vocal performance at the London Music School and began her career performing at festivals in her hometown. In 2016 she released the album Cinética, produced by Lucas Santtana, and toured several cities in Brazil. Now, she releases her album Em Fuga through the project Natura Musical, as a result of five years of work and research on Brazilian pop sounds and Latin American references.